
Showing posts from April, 2018
Olukonda National Monument Olukonda National Monument                                             In the beautiful plains of Olukonda village, amidst Makalani palms, Thorn Trees and Mahangu fields, is the Olukonda National Monument. It is one of the most famous places in our area. The way to Olukonda National Monument The Monument is situated in Olukonda Village, 5 km south of Ondangwa. It can be reached by taking the tarred road from Tsumeb (245 km) and 8 km before Ondangwa. At Onethindi, find Olukonda T-junction, drive to the south taking Olukonda - Oshipala - uulunga wakolondo tarred road and the monument is just 5 km from there. Olukonda was one of the first Finnish mission stations in Ovamboland and was founded in 1871. From 1880, it was the home of the pioneering Finnish missionary, Rev. Martti Rautanen (Nakambale) until his death in 1926 according to the Olukonda National Monument information brochure. This makes Rev. Martti Rautanen,